Shashikant Jadhav, B.E. Civil, M.E. Struct., F.I.E. heads the organisation with an experience of over 30 years in the industry. Having worked on both sides of the regulatory framework, he is able to draw upon a wealth of experience that adds value to projects. While serving the administration, he was involved on numerous instances in the formulation of various norms. He holds the following appellations to his name:
Panel Member, National Building Code (NBC) 2016 Committee- Part II & III (Administration & Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements)
Member of Team Appointed by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)- Comprehensive Study of All Existing Rules and regulations that governs Land development & Building constructions in various parts of country to prepare draft Rules and regulations which are aligned to Provisions of NBC 2016
Fellow Member, Indian Institution of Engineers (IIE)
Vice President of PEATA for 2020-22 [Practising Engineers Architects and Town Planners Association (India)]
Associate Architect
G.D. Arch, F.I.V.
B.E. (Civil),
M.(Regnl & Urban Planning)
B.Tech. (Civil), LL.B,